Matrix Colorinsider Hair Dye 60gr

Matrix Colorinsider Hair Dye 60gr

Regular price €8,48 Sale €10,70

A permanent , high definition color without ammonia. The oil enhances the action of the coloring system and infuses color into the heart of the hair. 100% coverage of white...
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color: 1N - natural
1N - natural
2N - natural
3N - natural
4N - natural
5N - natural
6N - natural
7N - natural
8N - natural
9N - natural
10N - natural
4M - mocha brown
‎5M - light mocha brown
6M - dark mocha blonde
6M - moka cover
8M - light mocha blonde
10M - very light platinum mocha blonde
5A - ash
6A - ash
8A - ash
10A - ash
2AA - intense ash brown
4AA - intense ash brown
6AA - intense dark ash blonde
5BC - copper mahogany
7BC - copper mahogany blonde
4NW - natural warm
5NW - natural warm
6NW - natural warm
7NW - natural warm
8NW - natural warm
9NW - natural warm
4WM - hot mocha
5WM - light golden mocha brown
7WM - hot mocha
7WM cover - golden mocha blonde
5G - golden
9G - golden
5RC - copper red
5RV - red purple+
6BR - Red Mahogany
6GV - golden purple
7G - golden
7RC - copper red
8C - light copper blonde
9GC - very light golden copper blonde